Sunday, 30 June 2019

What Is a Head Injury?

One of the types of injury that occurs in your brain and leaves severe effect on your health is known as head injury. The head injury can range from small bump to large surgery that affects the functioning of the brain. In case the injury is serious like fracture in the skull, scalp then it is necessary to consult an orthodontist as soon as possible.

The treatment of all head injuries varies from problem to problem depending on the cause of the problem. Head injury can be cloe one or open one. In case of close injury, the injury is not visible which means it doesn’t break out from the skull but can affect your memory. In case of open injury, the injury is visible to the person as there is breakage in skull and scalp. A person can easily see the injury with naked eyes.

For a person it is not easy to judge the seriousness of the problem as in case of closed injury the inner part of the head is  closed and is visible with the help of x-ray a doctor can check the issues. Sometime there is internal bleeding in the head which is not visible to naked eye but causes serious effect on one’s health. For doctors it is advisable to treat all the head injuries carefully.

So, in case you are suffering from Head injuries in California, then it is necessary to search neurologist who can treat your problem on time as neglecting Head injuries in California can affect your overall health and you can also die if not treatment on time.

Monday, 3 June 2019

We Treat Ptsd From Traumatic Brain Injury In San Diego

PTSD, or post traumatic stress disorder, can be a debilitating issue leading to a host of problems in one’s daily life. Though most people think that PTSD happens to soldiers in war, this also occurs in people who have gone through any traumatic problem in their lives, such as a traumatic brain injury that’s causing them to re-learn many of their skills. Often, PTSD can make people feel very scared and alone. In some people, it can also cause violent reactions and suicidal tendencies. This is why it is essential to treat your PTSD caused by traumatic brain injury in San Diego.

Our treatment is based on helping you process your emotions in a healthy manner. Often, people who have been through a traumatic brain injury in California do not process their emotions. This occurs because once you have been through a traumatic situation, the mind and body go into a shock, leading to a sort of a freeze in communications with yourself. This leads to patients relieving their trauma over and over again and finding it hard to get back to their normal lives.

If you or a loved one are suffering from signs of PTSD, do make it a point to head down to our clinic. Our treatment revolves around helping you accept your emotions and trauma so that your symptoms subside and you can enjoy healthy interpersonal relationships with the people in your life that you love. Come to our center today!