Wednesday 28 December 2016

About Insomnia

It is a kind of sleep disorder and most of the people are suffering from Insomnia nowadays. The people who are having Insomnia will not be able to sleep properly and this affects the quality of sleep and will not feel refreshed after waking up. Insomnia can occur for short term or can be chronic. Acute or short-term insomnia is more common in people. Insomnia can occur due to many different conditions in life like excessive stress, pressure at work or any traumatic event. Insomnia can last for days or for a few weeks if its acute.

Chronic Insomnia lasts for a long time like for a month or maybe longer. The cases that generally occur in chronic Insomnia are secondary, by secondary we mean that they are the symptoms of other problems or diseases. Even some medicines and medical conditions can also cause secondary insomnia.

Then there is primary insomnia, which is not caused due to nay medical conditions, actually the reason for primary insomnia is not clear. It is a kind of distinct disorder in its own, any changes in your life or any emotional changes can trigger insomnia. You will feel sleepy at day time and you will also feel tired. You will get irritated easily, you will also be depressed and you will also be anxious. The other symptoms of insomnia include the following:

You can’t focus on your tasks.

You can’t pay attention.

Learning power is also affected.

You will not be able to remember things.

Even some serious problems can occur due to insomnia like drowsiness while driving and this might lead to accidents.

If you want to cure your insomnia problem in San Diego, then you can consult a good doctor there. The doctors are expert there and knows very well how to treat insomnia.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

About Depression

Depression is a kind of real illness which affects our brain and our mental health. It is not just related to feeling sad or upset. It actually occurs due to chemical changes in your brain. There are many factors that contribute to depression like genetic factors, any difficult circumstances in life, excessive stress, changes that occur in hormone levels or any specific medical conditions. If someone is going through any of these factors may be alone or in combination, will suffer from depression.

Depression is a very serious illness nowadays, but it is becoming very common now. Estimates have proved that every one in five women and one in ten men is suffering from depression and now it is one of the most disabling illness in the world. Depression is a type of illness which can be found in any individual of any age, any education level, having any social and economical background. Many things in life can trigger depression like problem in studies, marriage, friendship, career, etc. When someone has faced depression once, then chances are there that it will occur again. When depression is accompanied by any medical condition like diabetes or cardiovascular disease, then the condition becomes worse, as physical and mental both ways your body is getting affected.

The common symptoms of depression are seen in feelings like hopelessness, sadness, extreme anger, mood swings, guilt and loss of interest in relations like friends and family. Also by depression your thought process is also affected like you will have suicidal thoughts, you will not be able to concentrate, you will not be able to take your decisions and in severe cases you can also have hallucinations.

So, it’s important to treat this illness in time, before the case gets worse. You can take depression help from a good doctor in San Diego.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Neuro-Feedback Therapy to enrich your soul and grey-matter

There are times when you feel low in life and your life looks like a puzzle in front of you. Life becomes dull and the hope to live a better life gets dull while everyday passes. This is the time when you need to approach for a NEURO FEEDBACK THERAPY. A therapy can change your life, provides you with opinions and better way to spend your daily routine and design an ideal life. It becomes frustrating when you make the same mistake again and again and always wonder why this is happening with you.

This therapy is widely used for much kind of brain disorders like memory loss, migraine to severe brain dysfunctions

Neuro feedback therapy can show you the bright light on the other side and help you discover better ideas and thoughts, which can help you in decision-making.

There is never a harm in consulting with someone who has a better idea with dealing things and can help you in day-to-day task management.

Neuro feedback therapy normally helps brain to understand different patterns without the use of drugs and helps it to coordinate properly with different organs of the body.

Neuro feedback therapy in California is very successful as a treatment for most of the brain syndromes and is easily accessible by Americans. The details of various therapy centres are available on the internet with a detailed understanding of the process. 

Monday 28 November 2016

Self-Harm and Techniques to Fight it.

In recent times there has been an increase in the number of cases of SELF HARM throughout the globe. It is a form of depression that gets so strongly rooted into an personal that he tries to harm himself physically even sometimes to an extent of suicide. Many reasons associate with such a syndrome, like loneliness, anxiety, family problems, busy lifestyles and hectic schedules. In many individual it leads to drug abuse and alcohol addiction while in few it takes over as a long-term slow body abuse. According to a survey US has the largest number of sleeping pills usage, which clearly indicates the tension and anxiety within people. At San Diego many treatment centres have come up with various effective strategies and therapies to combat this deadly disorder of self-harm. They have come to the rescue of those who have lost their hopes from life and feel puzzled all the time.

SAN DIEGO has emerged as a place with many well-being centres that help Americans for the treatment of this syndrome. These clinics offer a free phone consultation and can even book an appointment as per the patient’s convenience. They specialise in building a detailed personalise plan for you which fits your needs and helps you recover from SELF HARM anxiety as soon as possible.
Moments of sadness or depression seem quite common in our lives but many of us fail to live them and accept them. Depression can be for many reasons and if not sorted well in time through effective treatments can lead to diseases like self-harm. This can be fatal or near-fatal if not cured and understood well. Any crippling pain can be a reason for your sadness which can eventually lead to loss of confidence and self-esteem in many cases. In such a scenario, it’s important to seek help of the experts and fight for your good will and healthy growth.

Self-harm can cause changes in the behaviours, mood swings, burning, anorexia, hair-pulling, scab picking and many other unusual behavioural changes. Self-harm may exactly not be matched to depression but is a form of the same. This disease is another way of dealing with the pain that may have grown to some undesirable levels. 

There are several techniques to deal with such painful situations:

         It is good to gain awareness of your thoughts and feelings or to know about those triggers that call for the pain in you. Understand the triggers and act accordingly.

         A temporary solution to cure self-harm is to find some distractions that can deviate you from thinking the bad and harming you or your close ones like warm baths, playing your best sport, jogging, watching the favourite shows or movies or anything that is good to keep you calm. 

         Expressing your emotions is the best way to deal the situation in the righteous way. Find a professional counsellor or a friend whom you think can understand you best and can recommend with the best solution to deal the situation.

         Always stay connected with your loved ones. Their care and support will urge you for good and will keep you away from the act of self-harm.

Internet is full of numerous clinics in Self harm san diego and can help you to get over this disease and make yourself a happy and responsible individual once again.

Thursday 27 October 2016

A lot of people of all ages and professions self-harm

Self-harm, self-injury, deliberate self-injury or self-mutilation is believed to be just the act of burning and cutting oneself. It has been becoming a greatly misunderstood addiction to which majority often believe the doer is simply attempting suicide because of the serious cuts inflicted on oneself. But there is more to self-injury information that you need to know Self harm san diego Awareness.
Self-harming in teenagers include burning themselves with cigarettes or other hot tools, cutting with blades and knives, and other general acts of inflicting harm to the body such as hitting yourself against the wall repeatedly.

When someone exhibits self-harm behavior, they could be absorbed in an obsessive-compulsive behavior resulting in the infliction of physical damage in a mission to evade emotional feelings which they are unable to confront and cope with. It is simply not just a case of seeking attention but more than that.

Teenagers who self-harm can end up needing severe medical treatment and hospitalization.

These results can leave not only physical body scars but also emotional ones. That sometimes said teenagers who self-harm could be proud of these scars but at the same time be ashamed of them and consequently hiding them from others. As self-harm is a private act, this can be difficult for teachers to support pupils and students and to manage mental health in schools.

Who Self-Harms?

As opposed to what many believe, teenagers are not the only people who self. A lot of people of all ages and professions self-harm. It does not differentiate between age, creed, gender, and race although research shows that younger women experience self-harm behavior the most. This can also be accompanied by some other addictive tendencies like drug addiction and eating disorders; and is not only limited to teenagers alone.

The act of injuring oneself is not the main issue, as it is just a symptom but the underlying emotional reasons and pain for the person self-harming in the first place. If someone uses self-harm to manage their emotions, chances are they are highly secretive of this fact due to the fear of being confronted and even stopped.

For a lot of people who self-harm, especially teenagers, they report that this is similar to drug and alcohol addiction which they deem as "ritualistic." That is, someone who uses blades, for instance, to cut themselves, will follow a strict routine including having a safe place and date to conduct their so-called "ritual" in peace and without disturbance. All the items used, the method, as well as the routine, will have a similar pattern. Normal locations where they inflict pain are on the arms, legs, stomach, thighs, and even their faces.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Neurofeedback Therapy

In simple words, Neurofeedback is training in self-regulation by sending messages to the brain directly. It is based on the belief that good brain function is essentially a result of self-regulation. Neurofeedback (NFB) is also known as neurotherapy or neurobiofeedback.

In neurofeedback (NFB) therapy, electrical signals sent directly to the brain through self-regulation help heal the brain. While psychotherapy heals the mind, simultaneous use of both these therapies hastens the process of recovery and leaves a longer lasting impact as the individual concerned can take more conscious and better decisions for himself.  

Audio and video signals are used in neurofeedback therapy in san diego for measuring the brain activity by placing sensors on the scalp. It’s a type of biofeedback for measuring brain waves and producing a signal capable of being used for self-regulation of the brain function.  

Use of neurofeedback for treatment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a subject much under discussion even now, though biofeedback or EEG feedback has been used for children with ADHD since early 1970s as a good non-invasive treatment. It is an additional treatment for patients with addictions, eating disorders, mood disorders or anxiety related problems. It also stabilizes the brain and helps in controlling depression. While it may not solve all the problems, it does help in calming down the brain significantly. It helps improve one’s sense of well-being.

Some institutions are also experimenting with using the neurofeedback therapy for retention of their clients and patients. They are using all techniques of effective communication with the target clients or patients. It is already known that communication is what is actually understood by the target and not what was intended to be communicated. By using empathy and compassion as effective tools which have a direct bearing on an individual’s emotions and minds, they are reaching sending appropriate signals to the brain. 

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Everything To Know About Self Harm Treatment

Self harm or self injury is an act in which you deliberately inflict harm upon your own body. This method can be a way of expressing how you feel and a way of distracting your attention from the struggles of life. Self harm has helped a lot of people to cope up with a lot of overwhelming feelings and situations in your life. The idea of stopping the act of self-injury has might sound a little dangerous and frightening. But then it has amazing effects on people who are having the troubles and issues. This is the reason why it has become easy to find self harm treatment centers in California.

Self harm treatment centers have helped a lot of people who are facing problems with self injury. These people are said to have faced a huge amount of emotional turmoil due to something which has happened earlier in their lives. You might avoid making a conversation about this topic as you might end up making the situation worse. But then now it is the time to approach your child and take him/her for the treatment which promises absolute cure. Here are some tips which will help you to guide your teen and prepare him//her for the treatment -

1.You have to make sure that you learn more deeply about your child’s behavior and what exactly is the reason behind his/her self injury condition. This will help you to understand the feeling of your teen more deeply.

You can ask for help from your friends as well. Your friends can prove to be a great support system for you as you will be able to handle the situation by sharing your grief and your thoughts with your friends who will be there for you.

The Best Cheap And Natural Remedies For Insomnia

Sometimes it happens that you are not able to sleep properly during night. You are tired and exhausted after coming home from a busy day but still you are not able to sleep properly. If this is happening quite often with you, it might be possible that you are suffering from Insomnia. Insomnia is a condition when you are not able to sleep at all and it is becoming a regular affair.

Now you have a lot of options for Insomnia treatment in California. But then it is possible that the insomnia treatment might prove to be expensive. So here are some cheap and natural remedies for Insomnia -

1.The first thing which you have realize and find out is what is the reason behind your sleeplessness. There must be a thought or something which is troubling you a lot because of which you are not able to sleep. You have to think of that reason and take action against it. This would be the first thing to do.

2.Music always does the magic. You can relax yourself before going to bed by listening some soft and calm music which relaxes your mind. That music would do the job of a lullaby. Research has shown that old aged people who listen to calming music before going to sleep have improved quality of sleeping patterns.

3.It is a known fact that babies fall fast asleep when they are rocked a bit. The same is the case with adults as well. You can take the help of your rocking chair which will help you to sleep.

4.Make sure that you have set up your bed properly. The proper placing of pillows and bedsheets is important for a good and a comfortable sleep. So this as well.

Monday 29 August 2016

UCSD Eating Disorder Awareness Program

People in the United States have been bombarded with many types of diets that cause nutrient deficient. On top of that, many people suffer from eating disorders due to change in their eating habits on a regular basis. UCSD eating disorder program is focused on such people to cure their illnesses or conditions, such as bulimia, anorexia, binge eating and much else.

Eating disorder, in fact, is not just a physical issue; this condition may lead to an earlier death if proper attention is not given on time. People with eating disorders are more likely to die from poor immune condition, including heart disease. Foods that are empty in calorie or otherwise called as junk food are deficient in many essential nutrients and fiber. This coupled with irregular eating habits make the matter more badly. People with eating disorders have been eating high calorie foods while remaining mostly inactive which a dangerous combination to anyone’s lifestyle is. The number one health problem in the US is related to eating disorder and this is main concern of USCD eating disorder program. 

Those who are prone to eating disorder or are already suffering from it are given adequate treatment and knowledge in this program. Both the program coordinators and administrators as well as specialists in this topic at UCSD have made a great impact on the long-term health of people with this disorder. Those with genetically influenced and environmentally induced eating disorder are given appropriate treatment in one of the chosen and recommended facilities as well. 

How To Choose A Top Self Harm Treatment Centers In California

There are a lot of people who are going to be able to go to to get information at self harm treatment centers, and they will be able to get better when they go there. It is going to be easy for people to get help because they are in a treatment center, and they need to make sure that they are going to be able to get treatment. That means that people are going to be able to get help that are going to need to feel better.

It is going to be a lot easier for you to get better when you go to a place like this, and it is going to be fun for you to get the help that you need. There are therapists in the center who are going to help you, and you need to make sure that you talk to someone about what is going on. Self harm treatment centers California You have a chance to completely change your life, and you have a chance to make it easy for yourself to recover from something that has been hard for you.

You will be able to pick out a place to help you that is going to make it simpler for you to get better, and you will get real mental health care. You want to make sure that you are going to get the help that you need when you are going to need care for self harm. It has to stop, and you need to get help. 

Sunday 31 July 2016

Aspergers Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment in San Diego

You need to be sure that you have done all that you can with the Aspergers diagnosis San Diego that you get. You need to talk to your kids about this, and you need to go to a treatment center that is going to help you. Everyone who comes into the clinic is going to get the treatment that is needed, and they will help you learn what needs to be done for you or your kids. It is something that you need to get done so that all the people in the family can focus and learn coping techniques.

It is very easy for people to make sure that they can handle their Aspergers diagnosis San Diego when you check out the site at and learn about the services that you can get. Someone who has really committed a lot of time and effort to this is going to learn a lot about how to manage their symptoms. You will be able to get help for your kids when they need it, or you can get some help for people int he family who have never been able to focus before.

You have a right to feel much more comfortable when you are trying to focus at work or school, and the only way for you to have the best care is to come into the clinic when you need help. You also need to be sure that you have talked to the staff about the best care for you.

Thursday 28 July 2016

ADHD Treatment In San Diego Options And Strategies

You need to come to for help when you need ADHD treatment San Diego, and you will have a really good time with the staff because they can provide you with a lot of help with ADHD treatment San Diego that you might not have thought of in the past. It is all up to you to make sure that you have taken care of these things for your kids, and you might even go for these things when your kids need help. It all depends on what you think the best course of action is for you and for the family.

The treatment that you get is going to be customized to help the kids in the family, and then you can work on other things at home so that there is no problem with the work when you go to your next appointment. You have to be thoughtful about this, and you have to ask if you can get special services that were made just for people like you.

You know that your kids are going to have to get help that is going to make it easier for them to get through school, and they will learn techniques that they can use for the rest of their lives.
Your kids need to have this help because there is so much they need to learn, and the only way to get more help for your issues is to come to the clinic so that you can get an assessment.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Depression Help Using Neurofeedback

Depression is a serious health issue, it is so serious that the World Health Organization has labeled it a global crisis. Normally what is done to counteract the effects of depression in most people is for a psychiatrist to prescribe a series of prescription drugs used to combat this disease. 

These drugs can include Prozak, Zoloft, Paxil, Celaxa, Lesapro, Luvox, and others. In many cases, however, these drugs don't really help that much. In some cases the problem just gets worse. If you need depression help San Diego, there is another approach that is gaining much attention.

That is using Healthy Within’s treatment methodology. Healthy Within was developed by Dr. Divya Kakaiya, PhD in 1985 to offer effective and life changing treatment options for adults and children who are dealing with a variety of mental disorders including depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anorexia, Bulimia and a host of other conditions. 

Rather than relying on pharmaceutical drugs the Brain Health Institute focuses on positive outcomes for these debilitating conditions using non-invasive Neurofeedback treatment option that have proved effective against all the conditions named above including Asperger's Syndrome, Alcoholism and even substance abuse. 

Healthy Within Brain Health Institute focuses on restoring hope and increasing quality of life utilizing non-invasive Neurofeedback treatment options for individuals suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Trauma Brain Injuries (TBI), ADHD and ADD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Anxiety, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Asperger’s Syndrome, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Eating Disorders. 

The staff that works with Dr. Kakaiya, are all committed to not only nurturing the patient but also the patient's whole family on the recovery process. This is because the patient's family is also impacted by the patients condition whether they realize it or not. 

Quality San Diego ADHD Treatment

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a chronic brain condition that tends to start when people are extremely young. People often learn that they have ADHD when they're children. The disorder can often trigger problems with relationships, inadequate self-confidence and issues with employment and education. Common signs of ADHD include fidgeting, impulsive actions, trouble with restraint, problems with concentration, nervousness, aggression and excitability. People with ADHD often have memory issues as well. 

If you're searching for quality ADHD treatment San Diego residents can believe in, Healthy Within is the clinic that may be able to change your existence. The center focuses on both psychological wellness and integrative brain health. It provides people with treatment for a wide range of conditions. Apart from ADHD, these include OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), dementia, bulimia, anorexia and depression.

Dr. Divya Kakaiya, PhD established Healthy Within back in 1985. She's been in the psychotherapy field since that time. She has a lot of knowledge that pertains to depression, anxiety, substance abuse and eating disorders. 

She serves as Healthy Within's clinical director. Another important member of Healthy Within's staff is Ori Lidor. Lidor works as a neurofeedback practitioner and is an Alliant International University alumnus. He's a holistic health enthusiast who has a lot of insight regarding child abuse.

He routinely helps people with their family, adolescent and child therapy needs. Other members of the Healthy Within staff include neurofeedback technician Jillean Veroneau, prevention coordinator, neurofeedback technician and administrative assistant Kelly McCarthy and neurofeedback technician Austin Lutz. If you're interested in ADHD treatment San Diego can trust, call Healthy Within today.

Monday 30 May 2016

Neurofeedback Therapy Help For Headache Pain

For anyone who has ever had a throbbing, aching, nauseating, and painful tension headache right in the front of their head, relief are the only thing, besides extreme pain, that is on the brain. The problem with the normal over the counter pain killer medications that the most common person would innately turn to is that these medications often times contain harmful chemicals. Although it is convenient to pop into your local gas station, grocery store, or corner family pharmacy for a quick dose of pain relief, most of these over the counter aids are referred to as NSAIDs, or medically speaking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The harmful chemicals in these drugs most commonly found in ingredients such as naproxen, aspirin, and ibuprofen, can inhibit certain other chemicals in the body. It is quite easy to develop a tolerance to these medications and this will result in the patient needing a higher dose, and some of these dangerous chemicals can result in an overdose. A lot of people are noticing that they have developed a tolerance and are still being affected by the pain of tension headaches even after taking medications, or they are so highly affected by the side effects they have gone to other alternatives, herbal and natural, for relief. One of those alternatives is Neurofeedback Therapy.

If you are searching for neurofeedback therapy in California, you should visit and learn more about natural neurofeedback therapy and the services for neurofeedback therapy in California that they have to offer for headache pain relief.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Autism and Self Harm - Surely Parents Know Right

Autism is a serious medical and health issue that afflicts many patients. Most people with Autism Spectrum Disorders experience self harm due to various reasons, including mental, behavioral and social deficits. The main social causes include avoidance, attention seeking and communication challenges. Some of the common injuries associated with autism include scratching, hair pulling, finger sucking and intense head rubbing. The conditions can be in self harm treatment centers in California. The treatment of Self Injurious Behavior (SIB) often depends on the targeted function.

SIBs can be evaluated through a simple conversation or observation. The treatment should take into consideration the frustrations the patients feel when their feelings are misunderstood and the struggles they experience when they want to interpret their intentions to other people. A number of self harm treatment centers California encourage behavioral therapies that use of positive reinforcement techniques and reward positive behaviors. Use of medications and change in the environment is also critical, especially if the patient is suffering from underlying mental problems.

Healthy Within is one of the leading self harm treatment centers in California. The San Diego based, Integrated Brain Health Institute and Psychological Wellness Center use non-medicated, integrated approach to promote healthy brain function. The center offers treatment for a number of conditions including; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Weight Restoration, family conflict, ADHD, Substance abuse and alcoholism. The treatment team is led by Dr Divya Kakaiya, who is also the clinic founder and clinical director. The other members include Dr Oli Lidor and Kelly McCathy, who serves as the prevention coordinator.