Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Substance Abuse: Lets Fight Together


We assume to be the most comfortable generation of all times and there had been times when even survival was not possible for many of the people in the world. The world was shocked by many diseases like Spanish flu yellow fever and smallpox which killed millions of people on the planet.

This was all due to the lack of healthcare systems and proper healthcare infrastructure. Globalisation has changed the world financially and economically and people live more luxurious life than ever before.

But with every luxury come side effects and as people got independent they also started thinking about themselves and most of the teenagers got into the bad habits. Substance abuse is one of the most highlighted problems in today’s generation.

Drug dealers and drug users have a great network around the world and the addiction is the worst when it gets into your family and you start stealing money or going to any extent to buy drugs. Surprisingly most of the drug users are below 18 years of age and by the time they grow up they are either in a rehabilitation centre or take suicidal steps due to inability to fund their addiction.

Substance abuse disorder affects persons brain and behaviour And leads to the inability to control his addiction. The risk of addiction depends upon different types of drugs. Some drugs kills You slowly while the other like opium have a fast affect and you feel that this is all what you want in your life which finally gets you nowhere.

A drug addict will have intense addiction or arch to use the truck at all times and can go to any extent to fulfil his necessity for drug abuse. Most users don’t realise that doing daily activities while in the influence of drugs can cost and lives and driving is at the highest risk that most people have been seen while on drugs.

Many government organisations have taken the initiation to start rehabilitation centre and educating the drug addicts about the various symptoms and effects on the society and their family. A drug addict might find himself totally away from the society and dis interested in daily activities or job or education.

Increased heart rate , lack of vision and redness in the eyes is some of the basic symptoms of a drug addict. It also encourages poor performance in daily routine works. Loss of muscle control is one of the most common symptom or sign seen in a drug addict. All these things leads to depression and depression can get nowhere.

Most addicts might have suicidal tendencies as they are unable to control their activities and muscles. Life is a precious gift and we must prioritise our health on everything else in this world.

John Carter is the author of this Article: To know more about please visit the Website: