Individuals are tired of those medicines subscribed to them, and these medicines do more harm than good. People keep visiting doctor after doctor without any relief. Due to this, neurofeedback training has become a popular therapy method for conditions ranging from depression and anxiety to migraines and concussions.
You might confuse a bit when you hear the term neurofeedback therapy for the first time. As we come across several therapies already. So, what is it? And where it is used.
While we offer neurofeedback franchise, we would like you to know a little more about this in detail here. Do not worry, it is not as scary as you may think it is. Let us dig in to know more.
Neurofeedback or electroencephalography (EEG) in medical terms, is a non-invasive technique to measure and control the waves in the body and mind of a human being. This therapy allows the neurofeedback provider to refrain an otherwise involuntary body process – i.e., your brain waves through conditioning.
Some common conditions such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, concussions and more occur when your brain waves are not working together in perfect balance. Neurofeedback training allows you to refrain specific areas of human brain and bring it back to its functional best.
You can compare it with your car after you have hit a pothole. As your car lost one of its tires, the entire alignment of the car is distorted. Your car is not going to work again efficiently until you get all your tires aligned. Likewise, your brain does not work efficiently until all its regions are working in an alignment. This is where neurofeedback comes into play.
The working of neurofeedback therapy
When you begin your treatment, you will be able to map out the brain through quantitative EEG. This will also help identify what specific areas of your brain are out of alignment. As you have this important baseline information, your neurofeedback training can be used in the areas that need help or TLC.
During your session, sensors placed on targeted areas of the head will show the current state of your brain compared to what it should be doing otherwise. The therapist might make you listen to some music or songs that will bring your brain to a more comfortable state. So that is it, it is just a pain-free, drug-free, and completely non-invasive treatment. All you need to do is to show up and relax.
If you want to know more about the neurofeedback franchise, you can talk to our team about it. They would be glad to assist you with the details.
John Carter is the author of this Article: To know more about please visit the Website: